The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
1321Agreement Between the Chin National Front (CNF) and Union-Level Peace Working Committee at the 2nd Round of Peace TalksMyanmar1View
1563United Wa State Army (UWSA), Government 6-Point Union-Level Peace AgreementMyanmar1View
809Accord politique de Libreville sur la résolution de la crise politico-sécuritaire en République CentrafricaineCentral African Republic1View
810Déclaration de principe des parties aux négociations de Libreville sur la crise CentrafricaineCentral African Republic1View
811Accord de cessez-le-feu entre le Gouvernement de la République Centrafricaine et la Coalition SelekaCentral African Republic1View
788Agenda for the Dialogue between the Government of the DRC and the M23 on the situation in Eastern CongoDemocratic Republic of Congo1View
874Third Party Monitoring Team (TPMT) and its Terms of ReferencePhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
880Ceasefire Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Justice and Equality Movement-Sudan (JEM)Sudan, (Darfur)1View
1865Field Agreement between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and People’s Defence Units (YPG) in the city of Ras al-Ain (Serê Kaniyê)Syria1View
789Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the regionAngola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, (African Great Lakes)1View
872Annex on Transitional Arrangements and Modalities to the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (FAB)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View
873The Independent Commission on Policing and its Terms of ReferencePhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
790General Consensus on Peace Dialogue ProcessThailand1View
1820Final Communique of the Reconciliation Conference between the Misseriyya Tribes; the Awlad Hayban and Awlad Serur and al-MetaninSudan1View
878Implementation Modalities for Security Arrangements agreed on 27 September 2012South Sudan, Sudan1View
877Implementation Matrix for Agreements between the Sudan and South SudanSouth Sudan, Sudan1View
1340Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No 20) 2013Zimbabwe1View
1580Union-level agreement between Pa-Oh National Organization (PNLO) and Union Peacemaking Working Committee (UPWC)Myanmar1View
876Protocol on the Participation of JEM-Sudan at the different levels of Government and on the Integration of its ForcesSudan, (Darfur)1View
875Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Justice and Equality Movement-Sudan on the Basis of the Doha Document for Peace in DarfurSudan, (Darfur)1View
871Terms of Reference for Sajahatra BangsamoroPhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
2246Declaration of N'DjamenaCentral African Republic4View
2022First Agreement of Principles Governing the Normalization of RelationsKosovo, Serbia, Yugoslavia (former)2View
870Guidelines for Mutual Understanding between the CCCH of the GPH and the MILF for Ceasefire-related Functions during the 13 May 2013 National and Local ElectionsPhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
1897Peace Declaration (by the Hausa Community)Nigeria, (Plateau State)2View