The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
2217Statement from the Sheikhs and Dignitaries of the Tribes of Tarhunah Regarding the Events Taking Place in Southern TripoliLibya2View
2147Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic (Khartoum Accord)Central African Republic3View
2285Agreement of reconciliation between Hurras al-Din and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in the countryside of AleppoSyria3View
2267Agreement on the Demands of the Equatoria Non-Allied Force (ENAF) Yei State Government NSS/ISB and EPC Peace Desk and CommuniqueSouth Sudan4View
2194Compte Rendu des Activities du Comite de Suivi de L'Accord de Paix a BangassouCentral African Republic3View
2299Addendum to the Alafia Doukire and Salam Municipal Peace CharterMali4View
2300Agreement between the Kel Inacharia and sedentary communities of the circle of Alafia, Bourem Inaly and LafiaMali4View
2315Resolutions of the Peace Agreement between Samburu North, Samburu East, Loyangalani and Laisamis Sub-Counties attended by National and County Government Officials together with Elders, Peace Committee Members and other Stakeholders held at Sportsman's Arms Hotel, NanyukiKenya4View
2264Resolutions of Mukaya County Peace and Reconciliation Conference (Yei River State)South Sudan4View
2347Gambo - Pombolo Peace and Reconciliation AgreementCentral African Republic5View
2263Kupera County Peace and Reconciliation CommuniqueSouth Sudan4View
2348Good neighborliness and Community Reconciliation Agreement between the Communities of Castors, Yakite, Sara, Yalowa, Camerounais Douala, and Sanga-BibaleCentral African Republic5View
2316Resolutions of the Conflict Mitigation Strategy between Elders from Garissa (Lagdera Sub-County) and Isiolo (Garbatulla Sub-County) Counties attended by National Government Officials together with Building Bridges Initiative at Sportsman’s Arms Hotel, NanyukiKenya4View
2227Document of Reconciliation and Forgiveness Between the Families of the Al Ali bin Ahmad Al Awlaqi ClanYemen3View
2350Commitment between the 6 Armed Groups of Haute KottoCentral African Republic5View
2351Confidence Measures between the 6 armed Groups of Haute KottoCentral African Republic5View
2352Declaration of the Inclusive Intra and Inter-Communal Reconciliation Forum in Haute KottoCentral African Republic5View
2228Document of Reconciliation between areas of al-Mahariq and al-Saliyah, Sheikh Othman, AdenYemen3View
2494Guidelines for Mutual Understanding between the Coordinating Committees on the Cessation of Hostilities of the Government of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front for Ceasefire -Related Functions During the May 13, 2019 National and Local ElectionsPhilippines, (Mindanao)7View
2329Commitment noteCentral African Republic5View
2291Conflict prevention agreement between Farmers from Vakaga in the Central African Republic and herders from South DarfurCentral African Republic, Sudan4View
2349Recommendations of the Round Table on the Free Movement of People and Goods in Nana GribiziCentral African Republic5View
2232Resolution of Intra Afghan Peace Conference in Doha, Qatar (Doha Roadmap for Peace)Afghanistan3View
2236Statement of the Trilateral Contact Group as of 17 July 2019Ukraine3View
2243Political agreement on establishing the structures and institutions of the transitional period between the Transitional Military Council and the Declaration of Freedom and Change ForcesSudan3View