The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
1636AgreementBosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia (former)1View
1198Declaration Concerning the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (with Proposed Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina attached)Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia (former)1View
907Declaration by the Leaders of the Somali Political OrganisationsSomalia1View
258Agreement on a Timetable for Negotiations of a Firm and Lasting Peace in GuatemalaGuatemala1View
324Ceasefire Agreement of 29 March 1994Croatia, Yugoslavia (former)1View
334Comprehensive Agreement on Human RightsGuatemala1View
524Quadripartite Agreement on Voluntary Return of Refugees and Displaced PersonsGeorgia, Russia, (Abkhazia)1View
361Declaration on Measures of a Political Settlement of the Georgia-Abkhaz ConflictGeorgia, (Abkhazia)1View
237Agreement between the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahariya and the Rep of Chad concerning the practical modalitities for the implementation of the Judgment delivered by the International Court of Justice on 3 February 1994Chad, Libya1View
173Acuerdo Politico Final, Gobierno Nacional y Corriente de Renovacion SocialistaColombia1View
1806Memorandum of Agreement for Reconciliation and Peace between the Inkatha Freedom party/Kwazulu Government and the African National Congress and the South African Government/National PartySouth Africa1View
1499Final agreement reached between SRSG, Mr Akashi and the Bosnian Serb civilian and military authorities, Belgrade, 23 April 1994Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia (former)1View
1732Agreement on the Implementation of the 18 February 1994 ProtocolArmenia, Azerbaijan, (Nagorno-Karabakh)1View
36Protocol on Economic RelationsIsrael, (Palestine)1View
281Agreement on the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area ('Cairo Agreement')Israel, (Palestine)1View
1513Letters exchanges between PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin following the signing of the Gaza-Jericho Agreement May 4, 1994Israel, (Palestine)1View
310Bishkek ProtocolArmenia, Azerbaijan, (Nagorno-Karabakh)1View
1873Vienna AgreementsBosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia (former)1View
990Ceasefire Agreement Signed in BishkekArmenia, Azerbaijan, (Nagorno-Karabakh)1View
492Proposal for the Establishment of a Coordinating CommissionGeorgia, (Abkhazia)1View
247Agreement on a Ceasefire and Separation of ForcesGeorgia, (Abkhazia)1View
593Timetable for the Implementation of the Most Important Outstanding AgreementsEl Salvador1View
918The IGAD Declaration of PrinciplesSouth Sudan, Sudan1View
1637Agreement on the Demilitarization of the 3km Total Exclusion Zone East of the River DrinaBosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia (former)1View
147Acuerdo para la Paz y la Convivencia Ciudadana, Gobierno Nacional, Departamental y Municipal y Melicias Populares del Pueblo y para el Pueblo, Milicias Independientes, de Valle de Aburra y Milicias Metropolitanas, de la Ciudad de MedellinColombia1View