The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
1332Statement of the Five Permanent Members of the Security Council of the United Nations on Cambodia Incorporating the Framework for a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia ConflictCambodia1View
1887Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany (four plus two agreement)France, Germany, Russia, United Kingdom, United States of America1View
1097Acuerdo entre el Gobierno Nacional y el Movimiento Armado Quintín Lame, CaucaColombia1View
1088Acuerdo entre el PCC M-L, EPL, Quintín Lame y PRT y Partidos Políticos Signatarios del Acuerdo Para la ConstituyenteColombia1View
1089Acuerdo Gobierno Nacional-EPL y PCC – ML, Labores, Belmira, AntioquiaColombia1View
1017Memorandum of Understanding between Buka Community Leaders and the National Government DelegationPapua New Guinea, (Bougainville)1View
1090Acuerdo, Normas Fundamentales de los Campamentos de Paz, EPL-Gobierno NacionalColombia1View
1099Declaración de la CGSB y la Comisión Exploratoria para la Paz, sobre el Diálogo Directo, Uribe, MetaColombia1View
1272Fax from Security BranchSouth Africa1View
635Agreement on Cessation of Hostiliities and Peaceful Settlement of Conflict in Liberia (Banjul III Agreement)Liberia1View
1309Decision A/DEC.1/11/90 relating to the Approval of the Decisions of the Community Standing Mediation Committeee Taken During its First Session from 6 to 7 August, 1990, Banjul (Ecowas Peace Plan)Liberia1View
1565Final Communique, Economic Community of West African States, First Extraordinary Session of the Authority of Heads of State and Government, Bamako, 27 and 28 November 1990Liberia1View
1310Decision A/DEC.2/11/90 relating to the Adoption of an Ecowas Peace Plan for Liberia and the Entire West African Sub-region (Ecowas Peace Plan)Liberia1View
1311Decision A/DEC.3/11/90 relating to the Conclusion of an Agreement on the Status of the ECOWAS Cesaefire Monitoring Group (ECOMOG) between the Community and the Interim Government of the Republic of Liberia (Ecowas Peace Plan)Liberia1View
634Joint Declaration on Cessation of Hostilities and Peaceful Settlement of Conflict, Mali (Bamako Ceasefire Agreement)Liberia1View
256Agreement on a Partial CeasefireMozambique1View
633Joint Statement of the Warring Parties in Liberia (Banjul IV Agreement)Liberia1View
1094Declaración Conjunta del Gobierno Nacional y el PRT, Don Gabriel, Ovejas, SucreColombia1View
1095Acuerdo General entre el Gobierno Nacional y el Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, Don Gabriel, Ovejas, SucreColombia1View
206Accord sur la cessation des hostilities entre le Gouvernement de la Republique du Mali d'une part, et le Mouvement Populaire de l'Azaouad et le Front Islamique Arabe d'autre part (Accords de Tamanrasset)Mali, (Azawad)1View
1091Acta de Compromiso entre el Gobierno Nacional y el EPLColombia1View
570The Honiara DeclarationPapua New Guinea, (Bougainville)1View
1096Acta Interna del Acuerdo entre el Gobierno y el PRT, Ovejas, SucreColombia1View
152Acuerdo Final entre el Gobierno Nacional y el Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, don Gabriel, Ovejas, SucreColombia1View
1092Declaración del Gobierno Nacional y el PCC (ML) y el EPL, Juan José, CórdobaColombia1View