The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
1943Sotik and Borabu Social ContractKenya2View
686Decision on the High Level Committee, Djibouti AgreementSomalia1View
712Déclaration du Sommet des chefs d'Etats et de gouvernements de l'initiative régionale sur le processus de Paix au BurundiBurundi1View
1756Agreement between the GoN and Madheshi Virus Killer PartyNepal1View
720Fourth supplementary agreement to the Ouagadougou Political AgreementCote d'Ivoire1View
1755Agreement between the GoN and Samyukta Janatrantrik Terai Mukti MorchaNepal1View
1757Agreement between the GoN and Terai Samyukta Janakranti PartyNepal1View
1907Declaration of the Palipehutu-FNLBurundi2View
1758Agreement between the GoN and Janatrantrik Terai Mukti Morcha (Rajan Mukti Samuha)Nepal1View
1759Agreement between the GoN and Kirant Janawadi Workers PartyNepal1View
735Swat Peace AccordPakistan, (Taliban)1View
748Agreement of Goodwill and Confidence Building for the Settlement of the Problem in DarfurSudan, (Darfur)1View
1760Agreement between the GoN and Liberation Tigers of Terai Eelam (LTTE)Nepal1View
1761Agreement between the GoN and the Adivasi Tharu Community agitating in the Terai and Nepal Adivasi Janajati MahsanghaNepal1View
1762Agreement between the GoN and Samyukta Muslim Rastriya Sangharsha SamitiNepal1View
1763Agreement between the GoN and Madhesh Mukti TigersNepal1View
722Peace Agreement between the Government and Le Congres National pour la Défense du Peuple (CNDP)Democratic Republic of Congo1View
1764Agreement between the GoN and Nepal Pichchada Varga MahasanghaNepal1View
847Declaration of the Special Conference on Afghanistan Convened under the Auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Moscow Declaration)Afghanistan1View
706Statement of the International Conference on Afghanistan (Hague Conference)Afghanistan1View
713Déclaration du Directoire Politique du processus de paix au Burundi sur le processus de mise en oeuvre des décisions conjointes prises à PretoriaBurundi1View
1765Agreement between the GoN and Tamsaling Samyukta Sangharsha Samiti, NepalNepal1View
17669-Point Agreement between the Maoists and the CPN (UNML)Nepal1View
715Doha AgreementChad, Sudan1View
2069Statement on Transition in MadagascarMadagascar2View