The University of EdinburghPeace Agreements DatabasePeaceRep
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2055 agreements:
678Agreement of the Principles to Join the "Task Force for Dialogue on the UNAMI Reports"Iraq, (Kurds-Kurdistan)1View
743Declaration of Cooperation between Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaa and the Government of SomaliaSomalia1View
1767Agreement between GoN and Nepal Pichchada Varga MahasanghaNepal1View
1944Dukana-Dillo-Maikona DeclarationEthiopia, Kenya2View
845Acuerdo de San José para la reconciliación nacional y el fortalecimiento de la democracia en HondurasHonduras1View
762Accord de paix entre le gouvernement de la République du Tchad et le Mouvement National (MN)Chad1View
2052Maikona and Walda Peace DeclarationEthiopia, Kenya2View
841Joint Statement between the GRP and MILF Peace PanelsPhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
844Dialogue inter-togolais: memorandum des partis politiques signataires de l'Accord Politique Global et représentés à l'Assemblée NationaleTogo1View
837Accord N°1 de Maputo sur l’Annulation des Charges Relatives aux Evènements de 2002 à MadagascarMadagascar1View
839Accord N°3 de Maputo sur l’Annulation des Poursuites et des Condamnations Prononcées contre des Personnalités Politiques, Civiles ou Militaires durant le Regime RavalomananaMadagascar1View
840Accord N°2 de Maputo sur le Cas du Président Marc RavalomananaMadagascar1View
835Charte des ValeursMadagascar1View
836Charte de la TransitionMadagascar1View
834Annexe 1 Adhésion à la Charte Nationale de TransitionMadagascar1View
744Agreement between the TFG and the Puntland Regional State of Somalia (Galkayo Agreement)Somalia, (Puntland)1View
737Framework Agreement on the Formation of the International Contact Group for the GRP-MILF Peace ProcessPhilippines, (Mindanao)1View
843Juba Declaration on Dialogue and National ConsensusSouth Sudan, Sudan, (Darfur)1View
660Agreement on the Civilian Protection Component of the International Monitoring Team (IMT)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View
1940Dialogo Guaymuras Acuerdo Tegucigalpa/San Jose Para La Reconciliacion Nacional Y El Fortalecimiento de la democracia en HondurasHonduras2View
2047Agreed Minutes of the Second Meeting between Ethiopian Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's Regional State and Kenya's Rift Valley Province Administrators/Commissioners together with Community Representatives, Hawassa, EthiopiaEthiopia, Kenya2View
833Acte Additionnel d’Addis Abéba, à la Charte de la Transition MalgacheMadagascar1View
1768Agreement between the GoN and Kirant Janawadi Workers PartyNepal1View
1946Naivasha II DeclarationKenya2View
1001Joint Statement (December 2 2009)Philippines, (Mindanao)1View